Wednesday, March 14, 2012

On to the next one..

So after seeing everyone else’s presentations, I am happy to say that each one was unique and different from the rest. I cannot help it, my favorite part of the whole presentations (besides mine being over) was the video for the “sacred places” presentation. I think the whole class can agree that it was a great way of summarizing the myth without putting the class to sleep. Now I have to start to read the chapters for our new section of the digital humanities.

I have to say that this class is going a lot better than I thought it was going to go. It is very laid back and sort of a “do it yourself class”. The class is almost an independent study, which I really like because I actually like doing work on my own time and by my own rules. Lets see how the next section goes, and let’s hope it goes fast so we can enjoy our summer off from school! (For those of us who are continuing our education in the fall)!

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